Sunday, December 8, 2013

EDLD 5333 - Week 3 Assignment (SMART Goals)

     Once we know where we are going (vision) we are charged with finding a way to get there (mission). When the mission is set our next objective is setting goals that propel our mission forward. The EDLD 5333 (Leadership for Accountability) class that I'm currently taking has taken we as students through the disaggregation and delineation of data as it pertains to standards based assessment testing results. This week, the third of five in the class, students were asked to set SMART goals and objectives to a perceived area of need attached to results from the student's 2012-2013 campus test results. 

     "What are SMART goals?", you may ask. SMART is a mnemonic device (learning technique that aids information retention) that stands for the following:
The assignment for Week 3 asked for the creation of a long range (3-5 years) goal and a shorter (one year) goal based on a SMART goal. After some deep study of data from my campus over the last two weeks I chose this as my goal: By 2018 the Hispanic students at Friona High School will achieve 75% at Phase-in 1 Level II or above on EOC Writing tests.

As my one-year objective I chose: The Hispanic students at Friona High School will achieve 55% at Phase-in 1 Level II or above on the 2014-15 EOC Writing tests. 

     I have to say thanks to my daughter, Abi, for making the SMART logo with the Texas flag inside of it. I'm blessed to have a little girl that happens to be a graphic design major in college, and she's a cutie patootie also! 

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